Why I support Vivek for President

Driving home from my fourth time seeing Vivek, I thought about the best way to summarize him. Here’s my take: He’s the fresh legs America First 2.0 candidate with a specific and bold action plan.

I personally saw every single presidential candidate in both 2016 and 2020. Vivek is the most impressive one and that’s by a large margin. If you today could vote for Alexander Hamilton or Thomas Jefferson, would you? Sure you would, even though you might not agree with them on everything.

Vivek is a man of extraordinary talents who – at age 38 – is offering himself in service to his country. We need him to fix the country and the time is late. Joe Biden has taken the country to a new low. He’s the smartest (and richest) person I have ever met.

Omaha native and billionaire Charlie Munger recently passed away. One of his maxims was, “Take a simple idea and take it seriously.” Vivek did that very thing while in law school. He had worked on Wall Street after earning his biology degree from Harvard. While in law school, he met his wife. At some point while still in law school he told her that Big Pharma was doing it all wrong and he was going to start his own biotech company. Her response? Wouldn’t it be a good idea for work for someone else first? Nope. He started Roivant Sciences, found five drugs that had been abandoned by Big Pharma and got them approved. And that’s how he became a multi-millionaire before age 40.

His America First 2.0 agenda is:

  1. Shut down the Administrative, Deep State.
  2. Declare independence from Communist China.
  3. Unleash the American economy and grow it at a 5% rate.
  4. Revive American National Identity.

He started his stump speech in Cherokee, Iowa (standing room only crowd) by saying his campaign is founded on truth. And he will speak the truth to our side and even when it is hard.

His campaign is very much founded in the revolutionary ideals that made our country the greatest the world has ever seen. His speech pivoted around the ten truths listed on his campaign website. But first I want to recount his answer to my question.

I first praised him for opposing the carbon dioxide pipeline proposed for Iowa. He’s the only presidential candidate who is opposed. Apparently, even Iowa’s governor and the state GOP favors this project and using the state’s power of eminent domain to acquire the land.

He’s opposed to these pipelines because they are all part of the climate change hoax. I call it a scam. The entire CAGW industry is driven by the wildly generous federal income tax credits. The guy who is the CEO of this project is a former Wall Streeter who lives (for now) in Ames, Iowa. The CAGW scam is all about making certain people rich while we all pay higher prices for everything. What’s really crazy about this scam is that the vast bulk of carbon dioxide is coming from India and China and there’s nothing that we can do in the United States to lower the current 0.045% of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

I suggested that he take up the populist issue of a federal interest rate cap on credit cards or make student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy. He seemed interested in the credit card interest rate issue. It’s worth noting that Joe Biden was on the Judiciary Committee when the Bankruptcy Code was being rewritten. There was a push at that time to treat student loan debt like nearly all other debt, but the banks didn’t want that. By most accounts, Joe helped out the banks. His son, St. Beau Biden, then got a job with a bank.

The question that Vivek did answer was, “How did you know that Nikki and Chris didn’t know the names of three eastern Ukraine provinces? ” You see, it is a huge risk to ask a question like that and not knowing in advance what your opponent will say. It’s a cardinal rule of cross-examination. And the stakes couldn’t be personally higher.

Vivek’s answer, “I have full confidence that these people are intellectual frauds, actually. The answer is in both parties. It’s not just these individuals; it’s the establishment. They will send your kids to die so that they can buy a bigger house; in both parties. Biden sending $200 billion of our taxpayer money to Ukraine because Ukraine paid him a $5 million bribe to his son. And the Republican party is no better. The people who told us about Iraq and Afghanistan, they had no idea about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. They just nod their heads and do what their masters tell them to do. And I wanted to reveal to this country that those who preach foreign policy experience, do not have basic foreign policy wisdom…. Let’s use our own money to protect our country, our border. Use our own military.”

The beauty of Vivek’s plan is that as President, he can do what he says he will do and he doesn’t have to get permission from Congress. And SCOTUS will back him 6-3. And as President, he will act fast and in the first six months. Send the US military right to the border. Drill, mine and frack. Lay off half the federal bureaucracy. If the last digit of your Social Security number is odd, you’re laid off. The entire Department of Education will be abolished and the $80 billion will be given to parents to decide how their children will be educated. Many other policy moves like this.

Vivek’s entire plan is pure genius. He doesn’t owe anything to donors. He will work just for the American people. “My sole moral duty is to you; not another country.”

During the last debate, Chris Christie told Vivek that he was a bully, annoying and a blowhard. That was rich. I’ve seen all the candidates and that describes Christie to a T.

Some people say that Vivek is arrogant. I asked two Cherokee County residents at my table that very question. The wife said she didn’t think so and likes Vivek because he tells it like it is. In that way, he’s like Trump. “I will always tell you what I believe.”

My view is that Vivek has confidence; not arrogance. And to be successful in life, you have to be confident. Vivek’s confidence is driven by his intellect and, what is obvious to me, his deep study of many subjects. Later in his speech he admitted he’s not perfect and none of us is God. That’s humility.

Contrast Vivek to Barack Obama. How many times did Obama say, “That’s not who we are?” What?! Who decides who we are? Barack? And my personal favorite, “We are the one we have been waiting for.”

The polls show that Donald Trump has a giant lead in the polls. But he will be convicted (unjustly) in DC federal court and the trial judge will send him to jail the day the verdict is returned. Lots of things can happen.

Vivek’s best days are ahead of him. If he doesn’t get the nomination, Trump would be smart to name Vivek as his VP. Trump would be CEO and Vivek would be COO of America First 2.0.

Do yourself a favor and go to Vivek’s website and listen to the many podcasts there. You’ll be impressed with how smart he is and how deeply he’s thought about our country and what he would do to make us great again.

About cornhead2011

Nebraska native, Creighton alum but not exactly a Jaysker. It’s complicated.
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