Why I Hate the Federal Government, Part 3532

1. After about 50 years, I lost or misplaced my Social Security card. I go online and answer some questions and am told that I need to go to the local office.

At the SSA office, I am told that I must wear a mask. I’m miffed and say this is the only place in Omaha where masks are still required. I express my displeasure to one of the overweight and overpaid security guards watching us plebes.

If it wasn’t clear already, mask wearing is all about control and obedience.

The room is full of sketchy characters. The TV screen – paid for by me – is flashing messages in multiple languages unknown to me.

Only 4 customer service windows occupied.

2. For my upcoming OWH essay, I did some research about Mike Johanns. This guy worked for the government for about 25 years as Mayor of Lincoln, Governor of Nebraska, US Senator and Secretary of Agriculture. It turns out that he owns a $1m condo in the Old Market. He also owns real estate in FL. He has a job in DC lobbying for Big Wind and Big Solar. Probably a DC house.

How does this guy amass $3m in real estate as a government employee?

3. On my feed, an article from a financial advice column popped up. A single and childless woman asked the financial Ann Landers if she should get married. She works for the federal government and can retire at age 50. 50?!

This woman is effectively a millionaire as her yearly and lifetime retirement income of @$50k per year would require a regular person to save $1m after-tax to generate that sum.

4. Biden and the Dems have let 5m illegal aliens into this country. Nearly 200k Americans have died of fentanyl overdoses in the past two years. That’s equal to the entire population of Sarpy County.

5. The US debt is $31 trillion. Inflation is exceptionally high. But the Dems have just given Big Wind and Big Solar at least $380 billion.


America is in decline and I don’t know how we fix it. It’s been downhill since the 80s.

About cornhead2011

Nebraska native, Creighton alum but not exactly a Jaysker. It’s complicated.
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