The Politics of Personal Destruction

The Left can’t stand Free Speech as they want to impose their will on the entire populace. That’s why the Left tries to cancel and destroy their political opponents. The Left can’t engage in a full and intellectually honest debate on the merits.

The Left loves to play the racist card on anyone who disagrees with them.

CAGW is the biggest scam in the history of the world. The worlds temps have been flat for 101 months despite 475 billion tons of carbon dioxide pumped into the atmosphere.

I told Omaha Public Power District that China is building two new coal-fired power plants every two weeks. Nothing that tiny OPPD could do would make a difference even if OPPD spent $29 billion. And they do want to spend that.

On this trans business, the Left would have children become sterile and have surgery performed on healthy body parts. That’s like pagan child sacrifice. We don’t do medical experiments on children in America. At least not in civilized states like Nebraska.

I’ll never quit fighting the Left. My next project is an article in The Nebraska Lawyer against the speech code the NSBA wants to impose on all lawyers. The Nebraska Supreme Court will never agree to this.

About cornhead2011

Nebraska native, Creighton alum but not exactly a Jaysker. It’s complicated.
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